3rd Annual GHSC Kids & Clays Open
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Can’t attend the event? That’s alright! You can
donate here. All funds and donations benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities through Kids & Clays.
- 75 Sporting Clay Targets
- 25 Bird Team Flurry
- 12 and 20 Gauge Ammunition
- Shooter Gifts
- Ear/Eye Protection
- Full Bar Reception
- Ribeye Steak Dinner
- Raffle & Auction with Firearms, Guided Hunts, Merch & More!
Greater Houston Sports Club
6700 McHard Road
Houston, TX 77053
- Sponsorship Detailed Below
- Team of 4: $1,700
- Individual: $450
- Non-Shooter: $150
- 1:30 PM: Check-In, Rustle Up Raffle & Game Tickets
- 2:30 PM: Safety Briefing & Mission Moment from Travis & Kristen Cowan with Ronald McDonald House Charities
Let the Showdown Begin!
- 5 PM: Open Bar Reception!
- 5:30 PM: Ribeye Dinner from Cotton Culinary, Awards, Live Auction & Raffle Winners
Join us! Fill out the form below.
Sponsorships Levels
Presenting Sponsor - $20,000:
- 4 Teams of 4 with Carts
- Logo on all Event Signage
- 2 Reserved Pavilion Tables
- 8 Guests at Houstonian Steak Night
- $100 Gift Certificate to TRIBUTE restaurant at The Houstonian per shooter
- 3 Kids & Clays National Sweepstakes tickets per shooter*
Gold Sponsors - $10,000:
- 3 Teams of 4 with Cart
- Logo on all Event Signage
- 6 Guests at Houstonian Steak Night
- $75 Gift Certificate to TRIBUTE restaurant at The Houstonian per shooter
- 3 Kids & Clays National Sweepstakes tickets per shooter*
Silver Sponsors - $7,500:
- 2 Teams of 4 with Carts
- Logo on all Event Signage
- 4 Guests at Houstonian Steak Night
- $50 Gift Certificate to TRIBUTE restaurant at The Houstonian per shooter
- 2 Kids & Clays National Sweepstakes tickets per shooter*
Bronze Sponsors - $5,000:
- 1 Team of 4 with Carts
- Logo on all Event Signage
- 4 Guests at Houstonian Steak Night
- $25 Gift Certificate to TRIBUTE restaurant at The Houstonian per shooter
- 2 Kids & Clays National Sweepstakes ticket per shooter*
Golf Cart Sponsors - $4,000: SOLD OUT
- 1 Team of 4 and Logo on all Event Signage and Carts
- 2 Guests at Houstonian Steak Night
- 1 Kids & Clays National Sweepstakes ticket per shooter*
Dinner Sponsors - $2,500:
- 1 Team of 4 and Logo on all Event and Dinner Signage
Course Sponsors - $2,000:
- 1 Team of 4 and Logo on all Event Signage
Station Sponsors - $300:
Full Bar Reception & Ribeye Dinner Only - $100:
*Kids & Clays National Sweepstakes drawing each fall includes a first-prize Krieghoff Shotgun and more! Tickets are valued at $20 each.
3rd Annual GHSC Kids & Clays Open
$100.00 – $20,000.00
P.O. Box 8833 Michigan City, IN 46361
Doug Jeanneret, Executive Director: 614-266-7303
Zac Lemmon, Program Director: 740-616-0340
Kiley Frazier, Director of Finance & Marketing: 740-777-2433
Travis Calwhite, Program Manager: 813-610-0548